Energy in the National Curriculum, 1989

Attainment target 13: energy

Pupils should develop their knowledge and understanding of the nature of energy, its transfer and control.

They should develop their knowledge and understanding of the range of energy sources and the issues involved in their exploitation.

Pupils should:

Level 1

  • understand that they need food to be active.
  • be able to describe, by talking or other appropriate means, how food is necessary for life.

Level 2

  • understand the meaning of hot and cold relative to the temperature of their own bodies.
  • be able to describe how a toy with a simple mechanism which moves and stores energy works.

Level 3

  • understand, in qualitative terms, that models and machines need a source of energy in order to work.
  • know that temperature is a measure of how hot (or cold) things are.
  • be able to use simple power sources (electric motors, rubber bands) and devices which transfer energy (gears, belts, levers).

Level 4

  • understand that energy is essential to every aspect of human life and activity.
  • know that there is a range of fuels which can be used to provide energy.
  • understand that energy can be stored, and transferred to and from moving things.
  • be able to measure temperature using a thermometer.
  • be able to give an account of changes that occur when familiar substances are heated and cooled.

Level 5

  • understand the need for fuel economy and efficiency.
  • understand the idea of global energy resources and appreciate that these resources are limited.

Level 6

  • be able to recognise different types of energy source and follow some processes of energy transfer in terms of the principle of conservation of energy.
  • understand that energy is conserved, but becomes spread around and so is less useful.
  • be able to explain the distinctive features which make machines, such as pulleys and levers useful in everyday life.
  • understand that the sun is ultimately the major energy source for the Earth.

Level 7

  • understand energy transfer by conduction, convection and radiation in solids, liquids and gases and the methods of controlling these transfers, particularly of insulation in domestic and everyday contexts.
  • know that efficiency is a measure of how much energy is transferred in an intended way.
  • be able to evaluate the methods used to reduce energy consumption in the home.

Level 8

  • understand that the ultimate result of energy transfers is to change the temperature of the surroundings and that useful energy is dissipated.
  • understand that the use of any energy resource involves both economic and environmental costs, and that such costs may differ in nature and magnitude, depending on the energy source involved be able to
  • describe in outline how electricity is generated in power stations from different energy sources, including fossil fuels, nuclear fuels and renewable energy sources.

Level 9

  • be able to use the relationship between force, distance, work, energy and time, to describe, explain and compare the functioning of everyday devices.

Level 10

  • be able to demonstrate the application of the principle of conservation of energy, and to explain energy transfers in terms of this principle.
  • to be able to evaluate the various costs and benefits of different energy sources and appreciate that society needs to take these into account before making appropriate decisions on policy.


Further details can be found in the STEM Learning eLibrary:
Science in the National Curriculum 1989