Energy in the National Curriculum, 1999

KS3 Energy resources and energy transfer

Pupils should be taught:

Energy resources

a about the variety of energy resources, including oil, gas, coal, biomass, food, wind, waves and batteries, and the distinction between renewable and non-renewable resources

b about the Sun as the ultimate source of most of the Earth’s energy resources and to relate this to how coal, oil and gas are formed

c that electricity is generated by means of a variety of energy resources

Conservation of energy

d the distinction between temperature and heat, and that differences in temperature can lead to transfer of energy

e ways in which energy can be usefully transferred and stored

f how energy is transferred by the movement of particles in conduction, convection and evaporation, and that energy is transferred directly by radiation

g that although energy is always conserved, it may be dissipated, reducing its availability as a resource.

KS4 Double Science – Energy resources and energy transfer

Pupils should be taught:

Energy transfer

a how insulation is used to reduce transfer of energy from hotter to colder objects

b about the efficient use of energy, the need for economical use of energy resources, and the environmental implications of generating energy

Work, power and energy

c the quantitative relationship between force and work

d to calculate power in terms of the rate of working or of transferring energy

e to calculate kinetic energy and potential energy

Electromagnetic effects

j how energy is transferred from power stations to consumers.


Further details can be found in the STEM Learning eLibrary:
Science in the National Curriculum 1999